

Do you have an hour to change the life of an animal in need? The Humane Society at Lakewood Ranch, a no-kill, nonprofit, is looking for YOU...to volunteer!
We’re looking for help in these areas:
  • Kitty Kare: Caring for the cats at our facility. We have morning and evening shifts 7 days a week that include feeding, cleaning & playing with the cats. We also need ‘cat cuddlers’. Training required.

  • Dog Care: Caring for the dogs at our facility. We have 3 shifts: morning, noon afternoon/evening 7 days a week. The shifts include walking the dogs, feeding, cleaning & playing/training the dogs. Multiple levels of dog care positions are available and must be at least 17 years of age with parent/guardian permission. Training required.

  • Foster Parent: Providing in-home foster care for a dog or cat. Requirements include bringing animal for scheduled verterinary visit and Meet & Greets at our facility for potential adoptive families. Application required. Click here for Foster Application.

  • Adoption Counselors: Working with prospective adopters throughout the adoption process: from qualifying the information, ensuring an appropriate match, providing final approval and completing the contract and follow-up. Special training is required.

  • Adoption Events: We participate in adoption events to get our dogs and cats greater exposure. These events need volunteer involvement and require transporting the animals to and from the events and help with set up and clean up. Must be at least 16 years of age with parent/guardian permission.

  • Outreach/Education: We occasionally hold educational outreach programs with schools & other organizations. Hours  vary by event.

  • Fundraising/Special Events: As a non-profit organization, we are always seeking creative & artistic volunteers who can help us generate ideas to raise funds and assist in executing those events. Some aspects may require special training.

  • Grant Writing: We need volunteers who are experienced, or willing to acquire the expertise, in writing grants to seek funding for various aspects of the HSLWR. This requires an awareness of the legal, regulatory & financial requirements necessary to develop effective grant materials.

  • Online Resources (Website, Email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.): Volunteers are needed to create, monitor & maintain all online content & resources to ensure they effectively & efficiently promote The HSLWR and its brand, logo & activities (including the adoptable pets). Knowledge & expertise in web development, graphic arts & efficient use of social networking is helpful.
  • Written Resources (Newspaper, Newsletter, Ads): We need volunteers who can create written material & marketing collateral which advertises, informs & educates the community, donors, sponsors & volunteers about The HSLWR. Experience & contacts in preparing information for publication in local media is a plus. 
  • Financial Support: We need volunteers who are experienced in developing & maintaining financial reporting processes & procedures. Knowledge of Excel, Quicken/Quick Books is preferable. Expertise in non-profit requirements would be desirable, but not mandatory.

  • IT Expertise & Database Support: We need volunteers with IT expertise who can configure & maintain the technology infrastructure encompassing internet usage (website, email, Facebook, online sales, etc.), telecommunications requirements, online databases & applications (PetFinder.com, PetPoint, Adopt-A-Pet, Mail Chimp, & the Donor database/application). Also required are data input volunteers to update files, generate reports & output.

  • Volunteer Coordination: This entails organizing & coordinating all volunteer information, as well as scheduling the resources necessary to support all facets of The HSLWR. We also look for people to be part of the Volunteer Committee to gain, train, and retain volunteers.

  • Reception/Front Desk: We need volunteers to represent the The HSLWR at the Front Desk to greet the public, answer phones and emails, show cats to prospective adopters, and respond to and resolve questions/requests from the public. Light office work and computer use required.

If you are dependable, honest, loving and able to accept training and supervision, WE WANT YOU!!

Our animal care shifts are scheduled to fit everyone’s availability. Our mission is to rescue and re-home innocent and defenseless companion animals. With your participation and support, we’ll succeed in keeping our promise of presenting our community with the most readily adoptable animals on the west coast of Florida. 


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Employment Opportunities