Little Balboa is a big fighter!

Our little Balboa, our big strong fighter was adopted after a long rough journey. Just weeks old, he was found on the side of the road by a kind hearted woman who brought him to us. Our vet found that he had 7 broken ribs and severe nerve damage to his front leg. We weren't sure we could save it. Under the watchful and loving care by Fosters and HSLWR volunteer Gwen and Scott McKenna, Balboa wore a cast for weeks before the vet decided it would need to be amputated. The entire time in a cast you could see this little guy's playful sweet personality and a spirit that could not be diminished. Following his surgery, Balboa was running around, happy go lucky, and active as could be showing the world that being a tripod as no limitations.
Now Balboa's new life begins. He is being adopted by two special volunteers, a Mother and son duo, Emily and Jayden. They are great volunteers and Jayden is definately a cat whisperer! After his recovery when Balboa was back at the shelter, Jayden could not stop thinking about him, wondering if he would be ever adopted. Mom Emily decided that they needed to adopt him, and since Jayden's birthday was coming up it was the perfect time! Needless to say Jayden got the best birthday surprise!
Balboa (now Doddy - in the spirit of Harry Potter) has a big family with two dogs and two cats. Emily reports that he is doing well and loves doing zoomies on the steps! Added bonus to this happy ending is that he is remaining in our HSLWR family so we can see him flourish.
Jannie's Angles Fund was created by Victoria Bueno in memory of her dear friend and cat lover, Janice Pasquerilla. This is an on going memorial specifically earmarked to help save cats with major medical needs. Balboa was the first recipient and none of this would have been possible without this special fund.
Please consider donating to "Jannie's Angels Fund" here to help Balboa and other cats & kitties like him in need.